Hi! I'm Lauryn, a Pittsburgh based creative that specializes in Documentary Photography and marketing.I have 8+ years of experience working in a variety of industries including local news, non-profits, food & beverage, and publishing.I currently work at a Scamps Toffee handing their digital marketing & freelance as a photographer and marketing specialist for creatives and small businesses across the US.
Those In Motion
Started in 2018, Those In Motion is my business dedicated supporting creative people with photography, videography, podcast editing and marketing guidance.
My work has been featured in: Pittsburgh Current, Pittsburgh Post Gazette, Northside Chronicle, Pittsburgh Courier, BlackPIttsburgh.com, and PerthNow.com
Light Painting Series
Started as a way to get out of a creative rut, this series is done for fun but has grown into something that I intend put into a gallery down the line.
I've shot a handful of short films and videos based on scripts I've written by myself and with friends.
At a previous job, I hosted and produced a local business podcast. The podcast was focused on digging into topics I was interested in, such as talking with a brewery about their hyrdroponics system.